Participation at ECIS 2020
- Date: 14.05.2020
The work of the IISM-ISE research group of Prof. Mädche, Prof. Satzger, and Prof. Weinhardt is presented at the virtual European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) with 12 accepted conference papers.
- Benke, I. and Gnewuch, U. (2020). “Towards Design Principles for Trustworthy Affective Chatbots for Virtual Teams“, to appear in: ECIS 2020 Proceedings.
- Enders, T., Benz, C., Schüritz, R., and Lujan, P. (2020). “How to Implement an Open Data Strategy“, to appear in: ECIS 2020 Proceedings.
- Enders, T., Wolff, C., Satzger, G. (2020). “Knowing What to Share: Selective Revealing in Open Data”, to appear in: ECIS 2020 Proceedings.
- Gnewuch, U., Meng, Y., and Maedche, A. (2020). “The Effect of Perceived Similarity in Dominance on Customer Self-Disclosure to Chatbots in Conversational Commerce“, to appear in: ECIS 2020 Proceedings.
- Golla, A., Henni, S., and Staudt, P. (2020). “Scaling the Concept of Citizen Energy Communities through a Platform-based Decision Support System “, to appear in: ECIS 2020 Proceedings.
- Kannengießer, N., Lins, S., and Sunyaev, A. (2020). "Uncertainties Toward Permissioned Distributed Ledgers: A Multi-Actor Uncertainty Conceptualization”, to appear in: ECIS 2020 Proceedings.
- Karb, T., Kühl, N., Hirt, R., and Glivici-Cotrută, V. (2020). “A Network-Based Transfer Learning Approach to Improve Sales Forecasting of New Products“, to appear in: ECIS 2020 Proceedings.
- Loewe, N. and Nadj, M. (2020). “Physio-Adaptive Systems - A State-of-the-Art Review and Future Research Directions“, to appear in: ECIS 2020 Proceedings.
- Michalczyk, S., Nadj, M., Azarfar, D., Maedche, A., and Groeger, C. (2020). “A State-of-the-Art Overview and Future Directions of Self-Service Business Intelligence and Analytics“, to appear in: ECIS 2020 Proceedings.
- Michaelczyk, S. and Scheu S., (2020). “Designing an Analytical Information Systems Engineering Method“, to appear in: ECIS 2020 Proceedings.
- Morana, S., Gnewuch, U., Jung, D., and Granig, C. (2020). “The Effect of Anthropomorphism on Financial Decision-Making with Robo-Advisor Chatbots“ , to appear in: ECIS 2020 Proceedings.
- Reuter-Oppermann, M., and Wolff, C. (2020). “Towards Enabling Customer-Centric Emergency Logistics in Healthcare“, to appear in: ECIS 2020 Proceedings.
- Rietz, T., and Schneider, F. (2020). “We see we disagree: Insights from Designing a Cooperative Requirements Prioritization System“, to appear in: ECIS 2020 Proceedings.
Beside the research papers, Tim Rietz was accepted to present his PhD project titled “Designing scalable AI-based Requirement sEclitation and Analysis Systems“ at the Doctoral Consortium.