15th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technologies (DESRIST)
- Date: 27.04.2020
The ISE Research group will be present at the 15th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technologies (DESRIST) in Kristiansand, Norway with 5 accepted papers in the fields of Digital Service Design & Innovation, Applied AI for Services and Digital Experience & Participation:
- Wolff / Kühl / Satzger: “Engineering Industrial Service Systems: Design and Evaluation of System-Oriented Service Delivery"
- Martin / Kühl / von Bischhoffshausen / Satzger: “System-wide Learning in Cyber-Physical Service Systems: A Research Agenda"
- Hunke / Seebacher / Thomsen: “Please Tell Me What to Do – Towards a Guided Orchestration of Key Activities in Data-Rich Service Systems“
- Purao / Chandra Kruse / Maedche: “The Origins of Design Principles: Where do… they all come from?…“
- Feine / Adam / Benke / Maedche / Benlian: "Exploring Design Principles for Enterprise Chatbots: An Analytic Hierarchy Process Study“
For more information feel free to contact the authors.