Final Presentations of the Interactive Analytics Seminar (SS 2019)
- Date: 24.07.2019
On July 19th, 2019, six teams of the interdisciplinary seminar “Interactive Analytics” presented the results of their final project in the KD2Lab at KIT. The seminar is carried out in cooperation between the Institute of Information Systems and Marketing (IISM) (Research Group ISSD, Prof. Mädche) and and TECO / Chair of Pervasive Computing Systems (Prof. Beigl).
In the Interactive Analytics seminar, students design running interactive analytics prototypes by leveraging advanced interaction technologies, e.g. eye-tracking technologies under supervision of Peyman Toreini (IISM), physiological devices for designing flow computing systems under supervision of Nico Loewe (IISM), and wearable technologies under supervision of Erik Pescara (TECO). Moreover, students worked in interdisciplinary mixed groups consisting of computer science, information engineering & management and industrial engineering & management, which helped them to approach the design challenge from a interdisciplinary point of view.
The following projects were carried out this year:- Designing intelligent explanations to support learning procedure of novice users on BI&A dashboards with eye-trackers (IISM)
- Designing attention management support tool for students using eye-movement data (IISM)
- Developing an Android FlowApp using physiological wearables (IISM)
- Classify physiological data to detect flow status of users (IISM)
- AttentionVest: Attention Guidance in Large Scale Dashboards (TECO)
- Earable Interaction in Dashboard Environments (TECO)
The results of the students were well received and constructive discussions were triggered during the final presentations. Selected prototypes will be available on IISM Youtube channel soon, see